
December 12th, 2008

Uploading today, but the comic won't be up until tomorrow...What date should my update be? Who cares? First page to a new chapter. Scary! :D

December 5th, 2008

A little family portrait of sorts for my readers. That's me in the middle, with Hamster Jesus and Cthulhu. Justin is behind the sofa, Adam is grinning at me, and Mohit is sitting on the floor being grumpy and looking at possible flicks to watch. Mohit is actually not grumpy in real life, but because the comic takes place in an alternate reality, it's okay. We joke about his opposite alter ego.

I'm starting this whole publicity thing where I work on promoting Crummy Antics twice a week for about an hour. Doesn't sound like much, but according to experts, I shouldn't do any more than that until I draw more. Draw more first. At this point, I'd love to link exchange and I finally have some cute little banners up. I also can't decide what days I want to update on. I need to stop being a spazz! Well, I'm going to go do some homework and then work on the next page. *cackle* Later peeps!

December 2nd, 2008

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! And...*goes back to being a Grinch* I'm experimenting with styles for the comic right now, so bare with me. =D

Peace, chickadees!

November 25th, 2008

The holidays have crept up on me like so many scary shadows in the night. Wow, that was angsty. XD Two new links up on the links page. Check them out, they are awesome websites! If you want to link exchange, please email me. I'd love the free press. Also, my addiction to Polyvore is up on the 'Artist' page. Love, love, love Polyvore!

Peace, homies!

November 21st, 2008

I finally was not lazy and got a new FTP program. Updates have been crazy, but I'm hoping to settle on a day or two during the week that I'll be able to update regularly.

I'm going to be at What the Hell Con and Stellar Con, but not in a vendor capacity. Not big enough to do that. I need to update regularly first. >_>


September 30th, 2008

These past weeks have been not fun, not very fun at all, including the beach and being sick. Yes, today's comic is a tribute to me being a lazy git (is there a female form of 'git'? Or is it just 'git'?) with apologies to Clinton.


September 11th, 2008


Archives thing almost fixed! Hurray!

I am going to be at the beach, so there might not be as many comics within the next week and a half. By the way, a good way to comment on the comics is to go to my livejournal and just comment on my current entry. For people who don't want to take the trouble email me! Thanks for the emails, though. =D

Questions? Comments? You can email me at randomdaydream@gmail.com.
